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List of garden plants : ウィキペディア英語版
List of garden plants
This is a partial list of garden plants, plants that can be cultivated in the garden, listed alphabetically by genus.
== A ==

* ''Abelia''
* ''Abeliophyllum'' (white forsythia)
* ''Abelmoschus'' (okra)
* ''Abies'' (fir)
* ''Abroma''
* ''Abromeitiella'' (obsolete)
* ''Abronia'' (sand verbena)
* ''Abrus''
* ''Abutilon''
* ''Acacia'' (wattle)
* ''Acaena''
* ''Acalypha''
* ''Acantholimon''
* ''Acanthophoenix''
* ''Acanthus''
* ''Acca''
* ''Acer'' (maple)
* ''Achillea'' (yarrow)
* ''Achimenantha'' (hybrid genus)
* ''Achimenes''
* ''Acinos'' (calamint)
* ''Aciphylla''
* ''Acmena''
* ''Acoelorraphe'' (saw palm)
* ''Acokanthera''
* ''Aconitum'' (aconite, monkshood)
* ''Acorus''
* ''Acradenia''
* ''Acrocomia''
* ''Actaea'' (baneberry)
* ''Actinidia'' (kiwifruit)
* ''Ada''
* ''Adansonia''
* ''Adenandra''
* ''Adenanthos''
* ''Adenia''
* ''Adenium''
* ''Adenocarpus''
* ''Adenophora''
* ''Adenostoma''
* ''Adiantum'' (maidenhair fern)
* ''Adlumia''
* ''Adonis''
* ''Adromischus''
* ''Aechmea''
* ''Aegopodium''
* ''Aeonium''
* ''Aerangis'' (an orchid genus)
* ''Aerides'' (an orchid genus)
* ''Aeschynanthus''
* ''Aesculus''
* ''Aethionema''
* ''Afgekia''
* ''Agapanthus''
* ''Agapetes''
* ''Agastache''
* ''Agathis''
* ''Agathosma''
* ''Agave''
* ''Ageratum''
* ''Aglaia''
* ''Aglaomorpha''
* ''Aglaonema''
* ''Agonis''
* ''Agrimonia''
* ''Agrostemma'' (corn cockle)
* ''Agrostis''
* ''Aichryson''
* ''Ailanthus'' (tree of heaven, etc.)
* ''Aiphanes''
* ''Aira'' (hair grass)
* ''Ajania''
* ''Ajuga'' (bugleweed)
* ''Akebia''
* ''Alangium''
* ''Alberta''
* ''Albizia'' (silk tree)
* ''Albuca''
* ''Alcea'' (hollyhock)
* ''Alchemilla''
* ''Aldrovanda''
* ''Aleurites''
* ''Aliceara'' (hybrid genus)
* ''Alisma'' (water plantain)
* ''Alkanna''
* ''Allagoptera''
* ''Allamanda''
* ''Allium'' (onion)
* ''Allocasuarina''
* ''Allosyncarpia''
* ''Alloxylon''
* ''Alluaudia''
* ''Alnus'' (alder)
* ''Alocasia''
* ''Aloe''
* ''Aloinopsis''
* ''Alonsoa''
* ''Alopecurus'' (foxtail grass)
* ''Aloysia''
* ''Alphitonia''
* ''Alpinia'' (ginger lily)
* ''Alsobia''
* ''Alstonia''
* ''Alstroemeria''
* ''Alternanthera''
* ''Althaea''
* ''Alyogyne''
* ''Alyssum''
* ''Alyxia''
* ''Amaranthus''
* ''Amarcrinum'' (hybrid genus)
* ''Amarygia'' (hybrid genus)
* ''Amaryllis''
* ''Amberboa''
* ''Amelanchier''
* ''Amesiella''
* ''Amherstia''
* ''Amicia''
* ''Ammi''
* ''Ammobium''
* ''Amorpha''
* ''Amorphophallus''
* ''Ampelopsis''
* ''Amsonia''
* ''Anacampseros''
* ''Anacardium''
* ''Anacyclus''
* ''Anagallis'' (pimpernel)
* ''Ananas'' (pineapple)
* ''Anaphalis''
* ''Anchusa''
* ''Andersonia''
* ''Andira''
* ''Androlepis''
* ''Andromeda''
* ''Andropogon''
* ''Androsace''
* ''Anemia''
* ''Anemone'' (windflower)
* ''Anemonella''
* ''Anemonopsis''
* ''Anemopaegma''
* ''Anethum'' (dill)
* ''Angelica''
* ''Angelonia''
* ''Angiopteris''
* ''Angophora''
* ''Angraecum'' (an orchid genus)
* ''Anguloa'' (an orchid genus)
* ''Angulocaste'' (a hybrid orchid genus)
* ''Anigozanthos''
* ''Anisacanthus''
* ''Anisodontea''
* ''Annona''
* ''Anoda''
* ''Anomatheca'' (See ''Freesia'')
* ''Anopterus''
* ''Anredera''
* ''Antennaria''
* ''Anthemis''
* ''Anthericum''
* ''Anthocleista''
* ''Anthotroche''
* ''Anthriscus''
* ''Anthurium''
* ''Anthyllis''
* ''Antidesma''
* ''Antigonon''
* ''Antirrhinum'' (snapdragon)
* ''Apera''
* ''Aphelandra''
* ''Aphyllanthes''
* ''Apium''
* ''Apocynum''
* ''Aponogeton''
* ''Apophyllum''
* ''Apodytes''
* ''Aponogeton''
* ''Aporocactus''
* ''Aporoheliocereus'' (hybrid genus)
* ''Aprevalia''
* ''Aptenia''
* ''Aquilegia'' (columbine)
* ''Arabis'' (rock cress)
* ''Arachis''
* ''Arachniodes''
* ''Arachnis'' (scorpion orchid) (orchid genus)
* ''Araeococcus''
* ''Araiostegia''
* ''Aralia''
* ''Araucaria'' (monkey-puzzle)
* ''Araujia''
* ''Arbutus'' (madrone)
* ''Archidendron''
* ''Archontophoenix'' (king palm)
* ''Arctium''
* ''Arctostaphylos'' (bearberry, manzanita)
* ''Arctotheca''
* ''Arctotis'' (African daisy)
* ''Ardisia''
* ''Areca''
* ''Arenaria'' (sandwort)
* ''Arenga''
* ''Argemone'' (prickly poppy)
* ''Argyranthemum''
* ''Argyreia''
* ''Argyroderma''
* ''Ariocarpus''
* ''Arisaema''
* ''Arisarum''
* ''Aristea''
* ''Aristolochia''
* ''Aristotelia''
* ''Armeria''
* ''Armoracia''
* ''Arnebia''
* ''Arnica''
* ''Aronia'' (chokeberry)
* ''Arrabidaea'' (See ''Saritaea'')
* ''Arrhenatherum'' (oat grass)
* ''Artanema''
* ''Artabotrys''
* ''Artemisia'' (mugwort, sagebrush, wormwood)
* ''Arthrocereus''
* ''Arthropodium''
* ''Artocarpus''
* ''Arum''
* ''Aruncus''
* ''Arundina''
* ''Arundinaria''
* ''Arundo''
* ''Asarina''
* ''Asarum'' (wild ginger)
* ''Asclepias'' (milkweed, silkweed)
* ''Ascocenda'' (hybrid genus) (an orchid genus)
* ''Ascocentrum''
* ''Asimina''
* ''Asparagus''
* ''Asperula'' (woodruff)
* ''Asphodeline''
* ''Asphodelus'' (asphodel)
* ''Aspidistra''
* ''Asplenium''
* ''Astelia''
* ''Aster''
* ''Asteranthera''
* ''Astilbe''
* ''Astilboides''
* ''Astragalus'' (milk vetch)
* ''Astrantia''
* ''Astrophytum''
* ''Asystasia''
* ''Atalaya''
* ''Athamanta''
* ''Atherosperma''
* ''Athrotaxis''
* ''Athyrium''
* ''Atriplex''
* ''Attalea''
* ''Aubrieta''
* ''Aucuba''
* ''Aulax''
* ''Auranticarpa''
* ''Aurinia''
* ''Austrocedrus''
* ''Austrocylindropuntia''
* ''Austrostipa''
* ''Averrhoa''
* ''Avicennia''
* ''Azadirachta''
* ''Azalea''
* ''Azara''
* ''Azolla'' (aquatic ferns)
* ''Azorella''
* ''Azorina''
* ''Aztekium''
* ''Azetura''

抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)
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